MySALT Salt Substitute Set
MySALT Salt Substitute Set
MySALT Salt Substitute Set

MySALT Salt Substitute Set

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Set of 5 bottles, 1 of each variety
100% sodium free 
MySALT, it's the best thing since... salt!

MySALT® is a delicious all-purpose salt substitute, great for sprinkling on food, replacing salt in cooking and adding to low sodium foods to boost flavor. 

Using MySALT you will enjoy your favorite foods and recipes while remaining dedicated to your heart healthy lifestyle. The original flavor and the other all natural varieties return flavor and excitement to your low sodium diet. 

MySALT contains no sodium, no fillers, only nutrients that are essential for good health.

Contains 3 oz. (85g)

INGREDIENTS: potassium chloride, lysine in the Original variety.

Click on the links below for info on the 4 flavors: 
Butter: Details and Nutrition Facts
Garlic: Details and Nutrition Facts
Herb Garden: Details and Nutrition Facts
Heat Wave: Details and Nutrition facts

There are 356mg of potassium per 1/4 tsp serving in the Original variety, similar to a small banana.

Persons on a potassium restricted diet should consult their physician before using any salt substitute. MySALT does not contain phosphorus. MySALT does not contain iodine.  

By Comparison

  • Name brand salt substitutes contain 610-795mg of potassium per 1/4 tsp serving which is approximately twice as much as MySALT®.
  • Name brand lite salt substitutes contain potassium chloride but still have a significant sodium content and a metallic aftertaste. 
  • Salt Free herb and spice blends add flavor to your food, but not a salty flavor. They are not true substitutes for salt. 

There are product reviews on the page of each variety. Click on this page for additional Testimonials -- And to those who are skeptical, these were submitted by real customers who purchased and use our products. 

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews



Taste horrible

Marcia Fredline
Still testing

Are trying different combinations on different foods. Making some foods tastier. Have not made any definitive decisions.


Great products!


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